Kourelou handbags have the touch of the traditional combined with the modern for everyday use. They are hand woven with rag rugs, leading to an esthetic and eco friendly result 

Kourelou tote bags

Results 1 - 9 of 9

Kourelou boho gipsy shoppers bag, Rag...

Kourelou tote bags, with pom-pom...

Kourelou gipsy boho shoppers bag, Rag...

Kourelou gipsy boho shoppers bag, Rag...

Kourelou gipsy boho shoppers bag, Rag...

Rag Rug Tote Bag, Kourelou gipsy boho...

Kourelou gipsy boho shoppers bag, Rag...

Bohemian Carpet Weekender Travel Bag,...